Last Saturday, I pushed the limits of human achievement. I answered the age-old question; ‘How many crumpets can one man eat in one hour?’. Well, for me, the answer was 21.
The livestream was a huge success and, assuming everyone acts on their pledges, we raised at least £958.05 for York Road Project, a homeless charity based in the South East England! If you haven’t done so already, please turn your pledge into a donation by multiplying it by 21 and donating manually at: crumpathon.com/donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, remember to Gift Aid your donation.
If you missed the livestream, or simply wish to relive the magic, you can find the stream upload at: crumpathon.com/watch.
At the time of writing, it’s the following day, Sunday 27/08/2023, and whilst I’ve fully recovered from my bloated stomach, I doubt I’ll be fancying another crumpet anytime soon…
I’d like to take this chance to thank everyone who pledged/donated, liked/shared our posts on social media, and tuned in live! Together we’ve raised an incredible amount that will help many vulnerable people. In particular, I’d like to thank everyone at Jamescape, not only for the go-ahead for such a wacky idea, but for all the support, guidance and work that we’ve poured into this for the past month. I’m so proud to see it come to fruition!
Finally, to those of you asking for a recipe for my crumpet milkshake - I don’t wish to unleash that onto the world, it was so gross even I couldn’t drink it.
Until the next challenge!