Jamescape is proud that since April 1st 2023, we’ve paid all our staff at the least the Real Living Wage and have recently become accredited as a Real Living Wage employer by the Real Living Wage Foundation. First and foremost, we believe that everyone deserves a fair wage they can live off, so ensuring we pay the Real Living Wage seemed an obvious decision to make.
The decision to pay this came into effect with our normal pay review process, and resulted in an increased pay rise for staff across the organisation. We have implemented the Real Living Wage into our pay review process and will continue to pay the new Real Living Wages for years to come.
We encourage all other organisations in our network to pay the Real Living Wage and realise the benefits it brings for you, particularly in recruitment, and your staff. Jamescape, like many other organisations, prefers suppliers who are Real Living Wage employers and has committed to engage with businesses in our supply chain to encourage them to also pay the Real Living Wage.
One of our employees whose pay was increased by the Real Living Wage said, “It’s fantastic to see the company giving a fair day’s pay to all of its staff. It goes a long way in making us feel valued.”
Our new plaque has arrived and will soon be mounted pride of place in our office to celebrate our accreditation.